Molly’s story
Molly was found living on the streets trying to raise 11 young puppies. She was in a California desert; killing and eating lizards just to produce milk to feed her puppies. She was picked up by animal control and when her stray hold time was up her and her entire litter was going to be killed. That is when K9 Northwest stepped in and rescued her and her puppies. To get an idea of her temperament, when they rescued her puppies and took them from her to travel, she didn’t lung at them, growl or bite anyone. She trusted those that were rescuing her and her babies. Now that is one special, kindhearted dog. When she arrived in WA, they had to wean her puppies at 5 weeks because they were starving her; Molly looked like one of those starved puppies on those ASPCA commercials. After a month of loving care, she was ready to be put up for adoption.
At the time, we were already looking to add to our family and had an appointment to see Vizsla puppies. When I went to and typed in Vizsla, there was Molly. At the time, they listed her as Winny because they needed a name for her but she didn’t respond to that name. We contacted K9 Northwest and set up a meeting the very next day. We drove an hour away to McCleary, WA and met this special little girl. She had a heart of gold and immediately warmed up to us. We ended up leaving without her after our first meeting, as we needed to think about this decision. Adopting a dog is not for a day or a week or just during the puppy stages, it is a FOREVER decision. If you think you can’t move with or live with your animal for the rest of your life, then do not do it. Two days later, I was making the drive back to pick up Winny/Molly and she has been with us since Tuesday.
Bailey likes her and I mean he REALLY likes her. He has been marking his territory by rubbing his scent all over her and just making sure she knows her “place.” Molly just doesn’t care, she just lets him be and if his behavior is too much for her, she comes to us or she gives us the look. She is the opposite of aggressive, she just cannot bark at Bailey or give him the needed aggression in return to tell him to back off. I feel that over time, once she is more comfortable in her new home and family, she will let her voice be heard.
There are issues with her we still need to deal with (deal with? I can’t think of a better word) more so, she needs to be spayed and I am thinking of scheduling it for the week after. She has put on a healthy amount of weight, her ribs are barely showing anymore and I am almost comfortable putting her through the surgery.
Updates will come soon.

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