A blog about our Vizsla Bailey and our Lab/Vizsla mix Molly. With two crazy dog's like our's, there is always something to talk about.
Ever since Bailey was a puppy, he has had one obsession; steal the remote. At least once a day we will play the “chase Bailey for the remote” game. Bailey will take the remote from the chair or couch, pull some football maneuver, circle around quickly (you can tell he is thinking, “By George I think I got”, he will look up and go “oh crap”. One command to “drop it” and it falls to the floor.
The reason I created this blog for my dog Bailey, was so I can create lasting visual memories of the life of my precious baby. This past year, a friend of mine lost their dog and I happened to witness the dog’s untimely passing. Watching the loss of my friend, combined with the love I have for my dog and all the little things his personality stirs up, I decided a blog would be the best way to capture this.
I want to sit here and tell you all about my dog Bailey. However, his personality and the stories it would take just to get you to understand a fraction, of who he is would fill a novel! Bailey is spunky, lovable, energetic, dorky, easy going, simple minded, a nut and a million other characteristics all balled up into one dog. Instead of sitting here and boring you with stories of the past, I will start with stories from today on.
I’ll provide pictures and video’s as time goes on, but just be aware I cannot make this stuff up. Bailey is all about bringing originality to a new level.
Bailey 101
-Bailey will be 2 years old in June
-Bailey has been fixed
-Bailey loves anything that is fabric, squeaks, crackles, moves or is within his reach
-Bailey will love you until you give him a reason to hate you
-Bailey goes to a dog park daily and plays with his friends for at least an hour
-Bailey did not come from a breeder. We were told no one wanted him because he may have been stepped on by a horse; no one wanted him because of that. Even though he had the makings of turning into a beautiful Vizsla, he was an unwanted puppy.
-Bailey is a on a dry food diet from the brand Wellness and I just bought the ingredients to start making his own natural treats.
-Bailey will drool on you
-Bailey will steal our bath mat if we leave the bathroom door open.
-Bailey weights about 60-63 pounds